What should baby wear for newborn photos?
Those of you, who follow my blog, know how much I love taking naturally beautiful photos of newborns and how important baby’s well-being during my sessions is to me. And these two points are exactly what I have in mind when I give advice on what newborns should wear during a newborn photo session.
First of all, I want bubs to be super comfortable. Dress them in something that is easy to put on and take off, and that is nice and soft.
To keep the photos natural and timeless, I recommend neutral colours and outfits without large prints on them.
I know how quickly babies go through clothes sizes in their first few months, but I would still recommend an outfit that fits. If it’s too big, it will just look weird in the photos.
To keep baby comfy we can also use neutral coloured blankets and swaddles in the session. They are also great because they can add some texture to the photos which just adds to them.
On a final note, most of the advice for bub is also valid for mum and dad: choose something comfortable without too crazy prints or distracting patterns on it. And apart from that, just relax and cuddle your little one, while I capture these moments for you. :)
Here are some photos of a recent newborn shoot that I did that follows all the advice I have given.